Friday, August 4, 2023

2phase 😍weekly reflection on last week😍😍Aug 31- 4

Here comes the end of our teaching practice days at MGTHS school Mukhathala. This is the last week of my student teaching. My mentor teacher took over full-time in the classroom and I was observing her and other teachers in the other departments. During these observations I’ve noticed things that I didn’t before as a student teacher – the little nuances to keep students on track, how to effortlessly switch from one task to another. I realize now that a lot of this comes from experience as a teacher – a component of my teaching that obviously will be developed in the years to come.

I have enjoyed my student teaching experience. It has been difficult, frustrating, rewarding and fun. I think my philosophy of being flexible, going with the flow and learning as much as I can has reaped dividends. I let things wash over me during the start of my internship. This helped me to find my feet, establish a good classroom routine and get to know the students as people first and then as students second.

Last day @MGTHS school😇🫠🥰